
January 30, 2024
Lakewood Ranch, Florida

Yesterday, I finished my 5th book of 2024. While it does feel like a badge of honor, I can feel my mind changing and becoming sharper. Perhaps the combination of reading and exercising more intensely reconnects me to what’s good and returns me to alignment. I’m enjoying feeling refreshed, not just through mindfulness but also by pushing my body to respond. I think the next step is to seek outside counsel. There’s only so much I can do between my ears and through the written words of others. I feel compelled to seek guidance from a mentor. 

I’ve already picked up the next book, Can’t Hurt Me, by David Goggins. In addition to listening to his exchange with Joe Rogan and his audiobook, this will be my third go-round with this one.

Late in the afternoon, I drove to Alafia for a few miles on my bike. On the way back, I saw horses on the property I usually pass by, this time standing close to the fence line. They were so focused on feeding that neither of the two paid me any attention.



