
January 26, 2024
Tampa, Florida

Today I was able to link up with my potential future boss, Casey. We met at the downtown restaurant, Ulele. I absolutely loved the food and the environment, especially in this cooler, less humid time of year. 

The more I talk with Casey, the more I feel like the move to his organization is a good thing. It will be a good fit. I’ve been searching for something. I couldn’t tell if it was something lacking in me, the solution I bring to market or the environment. Net of it, I am excited about the field, but not about the solution I offer to my customers and prospects today. On the other side, I currently work for a larger, multi-product, multi-billion dollar organization. 

In the evening, we met up with friends in downtown Sarasota for some dinner, followed by a trip to McCurdy’s Comedy Show. 



