
January 23, 2024
Duette, Florida

Feeling clear-headed and mindful. I honestly think that is life’s ultimate drug—being in flow. 

Today, I received instructions for the next series of my interviews—a sales challenge. The fortunate and unfortunate part is that I often overprepare. However, before even starting the work, I look for my best thoughts—clarity. This usually happens when I’m alone walking, running, or driving. So, this afternoon, I took my car out on some open desolate Florida state roads and embraced the void. These roads remind me of the song, Fly Over States. Places that exist at a different pace, but modern convenience never takes us down these straights.

We wrapped the evening by helping Ellie do her homework and Wendy helping Chloe with hers. We’ve been pushing them to continue learning and reinforcing their in-school lessons at home with a few select digital tools. It’s almost a gamification of school, which is OK—whatever motivates them to show up and compete, I can agree with! 



